全球十大网赌正规平台(全球十大网赌正规平台)已经开放了这个占地1.3万平方英尺的校区 三一创新中心 in downtown 哈特福德 as a space for boundary-crossing collaborations and creativity. 的 new center—located on the third floor of One Constitution Plaza, 就在全球十大网赌正规平台广场对面 文科行动实验室 at 10 Constitution Plaza—will house Trinity’s partnership with Infosys; 数字健康CT, an accelerator led by Startupbootcamp; and new innovation and entrepreneurship programming for students. 该中心是由一个$2.5 million grant from the State of Connecticut and was designed by SLAM Collaborative.

13个,000-square-foot 三一创新中心 is open at One Constitution Plaza in downtown 哈特福德. 照片由Nick Caito提供.

索尼娅Cardenas, interim dean of the faculty and vice president for academic affairs, said that the new space downtown signals that Trinity is part of the city’s and state’s initiatives to build an innovation ecosystem that will attract and retain talent. “高等教育机构, 包括三一, 对这些计划至关重要吗,卡德纳斯说. “We have a strong pool of talent and are positioned to bridge the liberal arts with digital technology and innovation. We’re proud to have Trinity be a strong presence in downtown 哈特福德.”


Trinity-Infosys伙伴关系,叫做 应用学习计划今年2月,他搬进了创新中心. Infosys employees in the Business Analysis for Digital Transformation program are making use of the large training room and the many flexible work areas and meeting spaces. More than 150 Infosys employees have trained through this program, which previously had been held at other locations on campus during the past year.

乔Catrino, Trinity’s director of career development and special assistant to the vice president for innovation, teaches a module in the Infosys training program at the 三一创新中心.

Each group of new Infosys employees includes about 25 to 30 liberal arts graduates who are recruited from 哈特福德 and all over the country. 的 ninth cohort in the five-week business analysis training program at Trinity is the first to meet entirely in the Innovation Center. Trinity faculty and 工作人员 members serve on an advisory board for this partnership and teach many of the training modules.

塔利亚吉拉尔多M ' 19, assistant director of the 应用学习计划 and innovation projects, serves as a Trinity liaison to Infosys and oversees the day-to-day operations of the Innovation Center. “More than 10 Trinity instructors teach in the work training program,” 吉拉尔多感叹道. “Both Infosys and Trinity feel that liberal arts graduates are the most prepared for the field of digital technology and innovation, 这需要批判性思维来产生创造性的解决方案.”


计划搬进三一创新中心的还有 数字健康CT, a business accelerator program that was designed to rapidly scale health-care-focused technology start-ups. 除了全球十大网赌正规平台, other founding local partners include 哈特福德 HealthCare and UConn’s School of Business and Technology Commercialization Services team. 这一努力得到了来自 CTNext 通过 哈特福德/东哈特福德创新名额计划.


吉拉尔多感叹道, “的 first cycle of 加速器 program just finished at the 文科行动实验室 and 举办了演示日 在2月份. 的 next cohort of start-ups will begin its three-month accelerator program here in the Innovation Center in the fall. Our role is to provide the space for them to work and meet with their partners, and to provide Trinity faculty and others who have expertise in the types of services and products that they are working on.”

和斯坦利·布莱克 & Decker’s own innovation hub also located at One Constitution Plaza and more start-ups coming to the city, 吉拉尔多感叹道, 市中心有一座真正的能源大楼. “的re are a lot of people and organizations in 哈特福德 all thinking about innovation and how to make the city better. 我觉得住在哈特福德市中心给我们提供了方便, quick resources to build partnerships and strengthen relationships,”她说。. “I’m excited for Trinity’s place in this movement of rediscovering what 哈特福德 has to offer and bringing in talent. 我们就在这中间.”



Digital Innovation Fellow Evan Field is working with Giraldo to support programming at the Innovation Center for the 印孚瑟斯的合作, 加速器, 和三一社区. 吉拉尔多感叹道, “Our roles involve making the connections between Trinity and what’s happening with this space, 比如和 学生成功与职业发展中心 还有校园里不同的社团.”

吉拉尔多说, “We’re thinking about what the future of work will bring and making sure our students have what it takes to thrive in the workforce. 来到市中心, 学生可以建立联系, 潜在的实习机会, 有不同的经历. 的 Innovation Center encourages collaborative work and thinking outside the box. 这是一个美丽的空间,每个人都应该来看看.”

的 flexible space at the 三一创新中心 is open to the Trinity community.

Cardenas said that the flexible space is open to all members of the Trinity community as a place to create and collaborate with a cross section of people. “We also hope to introduce student programming around innovation and entrepreneurship open to all majors. We want it to be a space that celebrates our alumni’s accomplishments and where they can interact with students as well as faculty, 工作人员, 以及哈特福德地区企业的领导人, 非营利组织, 和政府,卡德纳斯说. “We are also planning an exciting three-week program this summer for liberal arts students and recent undergraduates from around the country to acquire basic skills in technology and innovation.”

剪彩和盛大的开幕仪式 三一创新中心 今年春天举行吗.

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